All the “Game of Cults” articles in one place!
“Game of Cults” was first published in 2022 and is the second of several serialized business content series for authors and publishers.
This season comprises 45 articles, which were released once weekly and are listed below in chronological order.
Mastering the Emotional Core of Successful Marketing
Discover How Market Behavior Can Help You Gain Loyal Readers
Build a Trustworthy Brand to Capture Your Reader’s Attention
How Social Media Platforms Exploit Your Marketing Efforts
When Logical Decision-Making Leads to the Wrong Solution
Leveraging Emotional Marketing for Sustainable Growth
What Game Are We Playing? Restructuring Your Business Strategy
Creating a Pure Signal to Attract the Right Readers
What this Notorious Scam Reveals About Human Psychology
Use This Emotion Wheel to Craft a Better Reader Experience
The Critical Role of Feelings in Elevating Your Author Business
The Powerful Nexus of Perception, Expectation, and Identity Formation
Why Time and Patience are Essential to Your Career
Using Language to Enrich Your Stories and Unlock Your Reader’s Emotions
Determine Your Desired Action to Formulate an Effective Marketing Plan
How to Build an Email System That Triggers Desired Reader Behavior
Final Thoughts on ‘Part 1: The Individual’ and an Exciting Introduction to ‘Part 2: The Group’
What This Pervasive Cult Teaches Us About the Dynamic of the Group
Building a Reader Community With a Reliable Author Brand
How to Master Group Psychology and Harness the Irrationality of the Crowd
Revolutionize Your Author Business with this 1 Simple Strategy
Why the Fictional Nature of Reality Is an Excellent Marketing Tool
What Public Opinion and Mass Media Control Teaches Us About Effective Marketing
The Eye-Opening Psychology of Propaganda and Mass Communication
How a Simple Poll Can Enhance Reader Sentiment and Book Sales
How Reflexive Control and Disinformation Undermine Mainstream Media
Using Rituals, Sacred Words, and Linguistic Spellcasting to Captivate Readers
Important Points from ‘Part 2: The Group’ and an Introduction to ‘Part 3: Gamification’
Engaging Readers in the Discovery Phase to Convert Them into Buyers
The Customer Onboarding Experience and Rewarding Super Fans
Use Scaffolding to Provide Readers with a Supportive Customer Journey
QAnon as a Cautionary Tale of Gamification’s Harmful Potential
Designing an Endgame Strategy That Satisfies Your Readers
The Role of People and Perception in Your Career Growth
Building a Robust Learning System to Supercharge Your Business
Crossing the Chasm With 1000 True Fans
Epic Meaning and the Glowing Choice
How Your Game Cultivates Your Most Valuable Asset
A Step-By-Step Guide to Designing Alluring Game Paths
Create a Game Path that Boosts Reader Engagement
The Artificial Culture Markets and the Big Con
Controlling a Pseudo-Environment with Positive Feedback Loops and Ease of Choice
Marketing Like a Businessperson Versus Advertising Like an Author